вторник, 30 июня 2009 г.

Hey Canada, You Can Now Pimp Your Flip

While everything today seems to be mass-produced, it's nice to know that you can still get something personalized without paying through the nose. And it's not a keychain, t-shirt or a license plate – it's a pocket camcorder!

Luke Jackson: Goodbye London

пятница, 26 июня 2009 г.


In the weeks leading up to our second ultrasound scan, lots of people began asking me whether we’d be in favour of taking a closer look at baby’s undercarriage to determine its sex. This is something I’d studiously avoided the first time around, allowing Tadpole to creep up on me by stealth. I was hankering […]

Nintendo brings E3 to Toronto

For those who couldn't make it down to E3 earlier this month or for those who did and just wanted to hack around some more, Nintendo Canada brought all of its E3 goodness to Toronto. Journalists were able give many of Nintendo's upcoming releases a test run and here were the highlights.

понедельник, 15 июня 2009 г.

Knocked update

My first trimester blues (and headaches, and tummy aches, and indigestion) began to fade once I’d got the first three and a half months behind me. Now, just clear of the halfway mark, I’m starting to feel much more energetic and an awful lot happier, something for which I suspect The Boy is just as […]

суббота, 6 июня 2009 г.

RPGCast - Episode 87: "The Post-E3 Podcast Sensational"

Anna, Mikel, and Chris recount their impressions and go through the news from this year's E3. Victor and newcomer Sarah come along for the ride and try to sell the audience on how awesome Final Fantasy XIV and Dragon Age will be, respectively. If you haven't yet, go watch Mikel's Kung Fu Fighting video on our E3 page.