пятница, 24 июля 2009 г.

'Revenge of the Fallen' for Gobots?

“Since God created man, and man created the Transformers, the Transformers are like a gift from God,” Elias told Randal in Kevin Smith's 'Clerks 2'. Now, I am not sure I follow that logic just like I don't understand half the things Bumblebee always says but you just know that Michael Bay is happy that he hooked his wagon to that film franchise and not something like 'Speed Racer'.

среда, 22 июля 2009 г.


Despite the fact that… I spent one night throwing my guts up in a bathroom which smelled of eau de septic tank Tadpole had to be taken to see a doctor with a suspected ear infection Tadpole’s ear meds made her throw up On one of our boating trips, the boat left an island stop […]

вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.

RPGCast - Episode 93: "Was Bahamut There?"

Manny gives us the skinny on all the great stuff RPGamer got to see at Run to the Sun this year. Who has the best food? Is Square Enix's lobby really filled with Japanese developers grilling hot dogs? Did Manny truly open the secret midnight portal into Atlus? Will RPGamer be allowed back next year? Find out on this week's RPGCast.

суббота, 4 июля 2009 г.

À titre d'information…

Our little family of three (plus bump) is heading to Turkey (more specifically, to the Lycian coast) for two weeks, so things will be (even) quieter than usual around here. In the meantime, I leave you with the cover of my first novel, published as a paperback original in late August in the UK (to […]

Andy Hayman's book, 7/7 conspiracy theories and the campaign for a 7/7 inquiry