четверг, 25 февраля 2010 г.


For reasons I can't really explain, I think that (ice) hockey means much more to Canadians than soccer (or football if you'd prefer) does to Brits. It might be because there are so many more options open to youngsters than soccer: rugby and cricket to name but two. But it also might be because Britian is much more divided than Canada, and I'm thinking particularly of class. Hockey is an experience shared by almost everyone here and there's a healthy, some might say frantic, extra-curricular tradition of hockey for children of both sexes and almost all ages, where mothers transport their children vast distances, bake huge quantities of cookies and raise enormous sums of money for hockey tournaments.

Anyway, don't take my word for it, have a look at this commercial for Tim Hortons, the popular chain of coffee shops which features the (not exactly world) famous Sidney Crosby.

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