суббота, 28 апреля 2012 г.


Dear Mr Hefner,
After a long day in my truck there are few things I dig more than to unwind with your wonderful magazine. Unfortunately, these days one is obliged to wade through a large amount of extraneous material to get at the hot coeds and the amateur babes:

KRUGMAN: The recession officially ended in June 2009 because that was the point when some things—industrial production, GDP, but not employment—started to go up again. But I say we’re still in a depression. I’ve taken to calling what we’re in the Lesser Depression. It’s not as bad as the Great Depression, but it’s like the Great Depression.

Try as I might, I just can’t fap to this. Who IS this person, and whose idea was it to put him in the magazine? Does the Journal of Economic Thought publish interviews with Carmen Electra?

Please don't lose sight of your core business.

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We have again forwarded your comments on to the appropriate dept for handling. Please keep in mind that they receive several inquiries and they will handle as they feel is appropriate.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.

If you should need further assistance, please be sure to include all previous e-mail correspondence.

Thank you for subscribing to Playboy Magazine.




Hi Mr. Hutton,

Thank you for your note. We are always interested in feed-back. Please send your future opinions to the email below.


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