суббота, 29 июня 2013 г.

SPEKTRMODULE: Podcast 26 – Universal Time Crack

Universal Time Crack

46 minutes and 34 seconds

If you don’t know what you’re looking at: SPEKTRMODULE is a podcast of haunted, ambient and sleepy music I compile for my own amusement.

Direct mp3 link.  Or press Play on the player.  iTunes link.

@warrenellis / warrenellis@gmail.com / t-shirt? mug?

Feel free to tell other people about this podcast for sleepy people if you like it.


1. logotone

2.  “body should” -  Wrugs    (EP: Braided Gas)

3.  “Brompton Road” -  Dollboy     (album:  Ghost Stations)

4.  “The Letter (Part Two)” -  Liberez       (album: The Letter)

5.  “Cloud Prayer” -  Iasos    (album:  Celestial Soul Portrait)

6.  “Come Wander With Me” -  SLEEP ? OVER     (album:   Dark As Night 2E c32)

7.  “Celestial King for a Year (Pt. 2) -   Richard Moult     (album:   Celestial King for a Year)

8.  “Angel Tech” – The Grid    (album: Bliss)

9.  “Slambient Desire” – Sonic Youth    (album: Demonlover)

10.  “Reed Sodger “ – Clive Powell w/Sean Breadin (album:  John Barleycorn Reborn)

11.  “Lilyguilding” -  Kurt Ralske    (album:  Good Night Music To Sleep By)

12.  “60 to 0” -  Baikonour     (album:   Fork Ends)

13.  “Don’t Get Any Closer” -  Eluvium     (album:   Nightmare Ending)

14.  logotone

All previous SPEKTRMODULE podcasts live under this category header or at spkmdl.libsyn.com.

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