суббота, 18 января 2014 г.

RIP Laptop

I appear to have killed another laptop.  I seem to beat them to death — and I’m using Lenovos, which are supposed to be road-warrior machines — every year or so.  This one lasted eighteen months before throwing a BSOD and refusing to start Windows, insisting that a patch was preventing the system from… well, doing anything, really.


I’m flying out to LA in a week, and I have three critical jobs to complete before I go.  Waiting until the Lenovo gets fixed – or, more likely, waiting for a new machine to arrive and then mounting the dead laptop’s hard drive as an XD so I can get some files off it — is not an option.


I’m writing this on the Chromebook Pixel I was given, which is a beautiful and highly productivity-oriented machine with a few key omissions by design.  Like, I can’t run Audacity on it.  So, there’ll be no more SPEKTRMODULE podcasts until I get to the X1 Carbon I keep at Undisclosed Rural Location, and I don’t arrive there until February.


I can write like the wind on this thing, though.  A few scripts are going to arrive somewhat odd-looking, because I’m writing in Google Drive without the formatting and macros I have access to in OpenOffice (which is still where I write my scripts, saving in RTF, which Drive also has a few issues with).  But, between Drive, Gmail, Dropbox and Jungle Disk, the only files I don’t have access to right now are decidedly non-critical.  (And I should be able to edit that one critical half-written RTF file on the iPad using Textilus.)


Also, of course, I’m not writing this post in Windows Live Writer like usual, so god knows how it’s going to look.  Not that I write here much any more.  But I wanted to mark the passing of [DEEPBLACK], the Lenovo Ideapad I beat to death in eighteen months.  You served me well, giant creaky plastic black thing.  If only you could have waited until I could more easily afford to replace your stupid dead ass.



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