пятница, 17 марта 2017 г.

An Afternoon Around Opera in Paris

Opera paris
Last Saturday I returned to Paris to visit the Grand Magasins as they call their department stores. I was more than a little disappointed as the area seemed a little dull. No wonderful shop windows to lick. Everything seemed to be very low key, trying not to attract attention. I'm not sure if this is the result of the terrorism that has unfortunately hit Paris or I just chose the wrong time to visit.
Opera paris
However this is a pretty impressive Apple Store.
Opera paris
Printemps in the sunshine.
place de madeline paris
I had the most amazing lunch in Place de Madeline. Salmon with dill creme and lentils
place de madeline paris
and with my cafe creme I was given a spoon that was a biscuit.
place vendome paris
Even Place Vendome was a let down. I found myself only taking pictures that took in the blue sky.
galeries lafayette dome
And I finished with a picture of the amazing glass dome of Galerie Lafayette.

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