пятница, 21 октября 2016 г.

Nature's Little Gifts

dark with pops of colour
​When I'm asked where I get inspiration from I always reply - by looking up. Nature has a way of showing me how to put colours together. Hey it's been doing it al lot longer than I have.
Take for instance this phenomenon that often happens when the sun shines through a darkened sky. The colours take on a whole new look. As they say in the design world - they pop.

Don't be afraid of the dark.

dark with pops of colour
​White on black gives a 3D effect

dark with pops of colour
​Black with highlights of gold becomes vibrant

dark with pops of colour
​and jewel colours sing.

dark with pops of colour

dark with pops of colour

dark with pops of colour

dark with pops of colour
My favourite staircase Girl With a Pearl Earring by Chippendale and Morris at The Stencil Library

dark with pops of colour

dark with pops of colour

dark with pops of colour

dark with pops of colour

dark with pops of colour

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