пятница, 30 июня 2017 г.

How to get the media on board to end AVE


How to get the media on board to end AVE

One of the hurdles along the road of seeing an end to the “advertising value equivalence” (AVE) measurement metric that’s decried by many in the PR and measurement communities is persuading organisations to stop using it. The issue with AVE is well summarised in a white paper published by The Institute for Public Relations in 2003, in which this succinct text appears: We urge you to move away as quickly as possible from statements of the nature, “Our news coverage this quarter was worth $X million in advertising.” Instead, talk about how you achieved your prominence goal, how your coverage gained in prominence over the year, or how you beat out your competitors in terms of the prominence of your coverage. Calls to action within the PR community to stop using AVE can only go so far – clients and employers also need to be onboarded to the idea, and actively support it. Related: The end of AVE in PR? And what about the mainstream media? If they continue reporting how much such-and-such a firm’s PR efforts are worth as an equivalent value to how much a firm would have spent on advertising, it adds perceived continued legitimacy to AVE,

First published as How to get the media on board to end AVE on NHC

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