пятница, 30 июня 2017 г.

Porn Insiders Reveal What It's Like to Work In the Industry

porn industry insiders
Photograph by Getty Images

These behind-the-scenes confessions may surprise you

Ever wonder what is going on behind the scenes in the world of porn? After all, it's not all completely unrealistic sex scenes and, well, sex in general. There are people operating the camera and people editing photos and videos and making the business successful. Buzzfeed asked employees behind the lens what it's actually like, and what they had to say will surprise you. (You may also be surprised by what porn she is actually watching.)

Buzzfeed talked to the people at ManyVids, and if you didn't know these guys worked in pornography, their answers would have you believe they worked at any old business. With a couple of exceptions, of course.

First of all, the employees really had nothing but good things to say about management, with one saying that they expected "seedy" characters and were surprised by what they found.

"The professionalism is very high, with top talent and excellent management," one worker said. "The owners at ManyVids are extremely respectful and nice people. I just did not expect that at all."

As a content-curating site, there are, of course the legal run-ins that support agents have to occasionally deal with. But since it's the porn industry, issues such as these can be a little, ahem, unique. "I once had to complete a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request, but there were no faces involved in the video," one support agent told Buzzfeed. "So instead, I had to ID the guy based on his penis (skin colour, shape, etc). I've never taken such a serious look at a penis other than mine."

Then, of course, there are special features that ManyVids offer that someone behind the scenes is actually having to deal with. For example, ManyVids allows users to pay for custom videos. As you can imagine, things can get pretty weird for customer service representatives.

"Let’s just say a LOT of interesting stuff happens, particularly with Easy Cheese for some reason," was all one customer service rep had to say.

Besides all the penises and Easy Cheese, it doesn't seem like there is a colossal difference between working for a porn site and any other job. Photo editors still edit photos—they just spend a lot more time focused on anuses.

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