пятница, 30 июня 2017 г.

Tactical voting didn’t win it for the Scottish Tories

But genuine gains from the Lib Dems and Labour did.

Jeremy Corbyn would be prime minister today if the Scottish Tories had done as badly three weeks ago as they did in 2015 (or any of the previous four elections). Without the dozen gains north of the border, a deal with the DUP wouldn’t have given her the numbers and a deal with anyone else couldn’t have been done. It would have been game over.

Given the different nature of politics in Scotland, where the unionist-nationalist split is at least as potent as the progressive-conservative one, that raises the intriguing question as to whether tactical Labour and/or Lib Dem unionist votes – to keep the SNP out – had the unintended but very real effect of keeping Theresa May in.

In fact, no, they didn’t. Indeed, one unremarked feature of the Scottish results was how unchanged the Labour and Lib Dem shares were in the seats the Tories won. In more than half of the 13 constituencies, neither other unionist party put on or lost more than 5% in vote share. In these, the swing must have been dominated by direct SNP-Con switchers.

Of the six seats where there was a change of more than 5% in the Lab or LD share, the common feature is that the change was always a decline from the party which won in 2010 but which lost the seat in 2015. That might be evidence of tactical voting but more likely is that it’s simply the incumbency bonus unwinding. In a few cases – East Renfrewshire or Gordon, for example – there may well also have been an unwinding of a pro-Lab or pro-LD tactical vote from 2015.

In fact, in two of the three seats that went LD-SNP-Con, Labour also polled substantially better in 2017 than 2015 (where they lost, or came close to losing, their deposit), again suggesting a lack of tactical voting. Besides, in only one of the seats (Stirling) was the result particularly close. Even if some of the falls in the shares of the other unionist parties was down to tactical voting, it wouldn’t have been decisive.

In addition, the Conservatives won five of the thirteen seats from third. That’s not wholly indicative of a lack of tactical voting – the previous result is only one factor in determining who is best-placed as a challenger – but it strongly hints in that direction.

So a straight-forward swing on both independence and economic-social axes? Not quite. If we compare 2017 against 2010 rather than 2015, a different picture emerges. That both the Lib Dems and Scottish Labour have suffered disastrously since 2010 is hardly news. All the same, it’s notable that in every single seat the Scottish Tories now hold, both Labour and the Lib Dems have gone backwards, generally by large amounts. Across the 13 seats, the Labour and Lib Dem shares have fallen by at least 5% in 22 of the 26 instances, by double-digits in 14 of them and by at least 20% in seven instances. Both SNP and Tories have gained, roughly equally.

These seats are not, of course, a cross-section of Scottish opinion and we should be extremely wary of drawing general conclusions. All the same, the Tory share in them is up by at least 9% in every seat gained and by much more in most. These gains have come almost exclusively from the Lib Dem and Labour voters of 2010. It might not have been tactical and it might have been a positive vote for the union and against a second independence referendum, but the decisions of these ex-progressive alliance supporters of Gordon Brown and Nick Clegg still resulted in Theresa May rather than Jeremy Corbyn forming a government.

David Herdson

Buckwheat pancakes

Swordfish with roasted lemons

Overdue pregnancy: What to do when baby's overdue

Tossed greens with pasta, fruit and balsamic vinaigrette

Jackie Chan helps kick off Hong Kong Airline's arrival in Vancouver

Hong Kong Airlines landed its inaugural flight into North America in Vancouver on Friday with action movie star Jackie Chan on hand to help boost the airline’s profile. The airline, which will stage daily flights between Vancouver and Hong Kong, has enlisted Chan as its brand ambassador, although he didn’t speak to media or fans […]

Game publisher GameMine inks a $20 million partnership with South Africa’s Vodacom

 On the heels of a $20 million funding round last month, the new game publishing company GameMine has inked its first big deal with a global carrier. The company has partnered with the South Africa mobile carrier Vodacom Group to bring GameMine’s subscription-based mobile games to the South African market. Read More

We need more money in health care. Here's one way to get it

If there’s a chance you might get sick, get old, or start a family, this bill will do you harm.” – Former U.S. president Barack Obama Even President Donald Trump called the initial House of Representatives bill “mean.” Senate Republicans recently delayed discussion and voting on their own health care bill until at least after […]

Aussie comedian bringing her breast cancer story to Regina Fringe

A lucky trip to the dog park led to Lana Schwarcz’s early breast cancer diagnosis.

Councilman Slammed After Asking If EMS Can Stop Responding to ODs

Ohio Councilman Dan Picard has been blasted as heartless after asking if the city was legally required to send EMTs to save addicts who have overdosed.

These Incredible Images Pay Heartbreaking Homage To Soldiers After Years Of War

17 Facts About Party Drugs That Will Fuck You Up

This post is trippy man.

Molly and ecstasy are essentially the same thing these days.

Molly and ecstasy are essentially the same thing these days.

Molly is supposed to be the "pure" crystalline form of MDMA, but while that might've been true once upon a time (who really knows?), most Molly nowadays is cut with other drugs like cocaine, ketamine, methamphetamine, synthetic cathinones — aka bath salts — and other drugs, basically making it no different than ecstasy.

Portokalis / Via gettyimages.com

The psychedelic effects of LSD (acid) were first discovered when the doctor who created it accidentally got high AF in 1943.

The psychedelic effects of LSD (acid) were first discovered when the doctor who created it accidentally got high AF in 1943.

"At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant intoxicated-like condition, characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dreamlike state, with eyes closed (I found the daylight to be unpleasantly glaring), I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours this condition faded away," Dr. Albert Hofmann, who created LSD to be a circulatory and respiratory stimulant, wrote in his book LSD — My Problem Child.

Shortly after that first accidental trip, he experimented at higher doses, even having what we now call a bad trip. "A demon had invaded me, had taken possession of my body, mind, and soul. ... My body seemed to be without sensation, lifeless, strange. Was I dying? Was this the transition?"

The CW / Via giphy.com

Cocaine was considered a useful anesthetic in the 1880s.

Cocaine was considered a useful anesthetic in the 1880s.

In 1884, Dr. Karl Koller introduced cocaine as an anesthetic for eye surgeries. And soon after, other physicians began using it for surgeries on the face, eyes, nose, and throat, because it causes blood vessels to constrict and reduces bleeding and swelling.

FOX / Via giphy.com

In 1885, Parke-Davis pharmaceutical company started selling cocaine kits, making it super convenient to benefit from cocaine's ~medicinal properties~.

In 1885, Parke-Davis pharmaceutical company started selling cocaine kits, making it super convenient to benefit from cocaine's ~medicinal properties~.

They marketed it by saying: Cocaine “can supply the place of food, make the coward brave, the silent eloquent, and render the sufferer insensitive to pain.”


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My Night at Mar-a-Lago, and Jon Ronson’s Kidnapped Pig

Inside Donald Trump’s gilded Palm Beach palace, and the journalist Jon Ronson tries his hand at fiction, in “Okja.”

Nina Turner: It Is Not Our Job to Fit Into the Democratic Establishment

Collier Meyerson

The new president of Our Revolution on race, class, electoral strategy, and whether we’ll feel the Bern in 2020.

The post Nina Turner: It Is Not Our Job to Fit Into the Democratic Establishment appeared first on The Nation.

You've Seen Videos Of Tough, Angry Gorillas Before...And This Isn't One Of Them

Oil companies are just not that into Keystone XL

The pipeline’s operator, TransCanada, is struggling to track down oil producers and refiners who want to invest in transporting crude oil from Canada to the United States.

This follows a decade-long fight to construct Keystone XL’s northern leg, which finally got President Trump’s OK in March.

Lately, crude oil hasn’t looked like a great investment. When TransCanada proposed the pipeline extension in 2008, a barrel of crude cost $130. Now it’s down to $45, largely due to U.S. shale development and a glut of crude oil in the market.

The Wall Street Journal reports that TransCanada’s chief exec has no intention to give up on the pipeline and believes it’ll pull a long-term profit. However, the lack of interest from investors doesn’t bode well for the pipeline, especially since its estimated costs have jumped from $7 billion to $8 billion.

To top off its bleak prospects, Keystone XL still needs Nebraska’s approval and faces continued pressure from protesters.

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Oil companies are just not that into Keystone XL. on Jun 30, 2017.

Local By-Election Review : June 2017 (post General Election)

Dawdon on Durham (Lab defence)

Result: Labour 693 (52% +6% on May 2017), Independent 633 (48%, no candidate in May 2017)

Labour HOLD with a majority of 60 (4%)

Hedge End and Grange Park on Eastleigh (Lib Dem defence)

Result: Liberal Democrat 668 (56% +14% on last time), Conservative 316 (27% +4% on last time), Labour 144 (12% +7% on last time), Green Party 41 (3%, no candidate last time), United Kingdom Independence Party 14 (1% -29% on last time)

Liberal Democrat HOLD with a majority of 352 (29%) on a swing of 5% from Conservative to Liberal Democrat

William Morris on Waltham Forest (Lab defence)

Result: Labour 1,923 (68% +11% on 2014), Green Party 524 (19% +2% on 2014), Conservative 365 (13% +6% on 2014)

Labour HOLD with a majority of 1,399 (49%) on a swing of 4.5% from Green to Labour

Derby on West Lancashire (Con defence)

Result: Our West Lancashire 705 (42%, no candidate last time), Labour 596 (36% +1% on last time), Conservative 362 (22% -28% on last time)

Our West Lancashire GAIN from Conservative with a majority of 109 (6%) on a notional swing of 20.5% from Labour to Our West Lancashire (Actual notional swing: 35% from Con to OWL)

June 2017 Monthly Summary (post General Election)

Labour 7,114 votes (39% +10% on last time) winning 3 seats (unchanged on last time)

Conservatives 3,683 votes (20% -7% on last time) winning 4 seats (unchanged on last time)

Green Party 3,154 votes (17% +6% on last time) winning 0 seats (unchanged on last time)

Liberal Democrats 1,974 votes (11% -3% on last time) winning 1 seat (unchanged on last time)

Independent Candidates 1,454 votes (8% +6% on last time) winning 0 seats (-1 seat on last time)

Local Independents 767 votes (4% -4% on last time) winning 1 seat (+1 seat on last time)

Plaid Cymru 101 votes (1% +1% on last time) winning 0 seats (unchanged on last time)

United Kingdom Independence Party 14 votes (0% -7% on last time) winning 0 seats (unchanged on last time)

Other Parties 2 votes (0% -1% on last time) winning 0 seats (unchanged on last time)

Labour lead of 3,431 votes (19%) on a swing of 8.5% from Conservative to Labour

Compiled By Harry Hayfield

These Fanciful Microbes Need Your Coloring Skills

A vast microscopic world writhes around you. Now a coloring book lets you bring wee beasts and beauties to life

LumaGlo’s CrossBelt is a wearable illumination device

lumagloLumaGlo knows that some people like to work out in the evening or early in the morning, before the sun sets or rises. After all, that might be the only time slot that is available for them to be able to get some exercise into their busy schedules. However, running in dark or low light conditions does have its dangers — you are definitely far more difficult to spot, especially when you pound the pavement. It is always good to wear a safety vest or carry some form of illumination with you. This is where LumaGlo’s CrossBelt comes in handy.

The LumaGlo CrossBelt is a next generation wearable illumination device that comes with bright, multi-colored LEDs that will be able to provide runners, cyclists, walkers, and outdoor enthusiasts with unparalleled nighttime safety

This brand new solution delivers 360° wearable illumination for the ultimate in low- or no-light visibility. It is already available as a pre-order on Kickstarter, where you wear it as a belt or a sash. It does far more than offer front and back lighting, as the wearer can be visible from all angles. This will greatly increase your chance of being spotted. The LEDs will function in eight distinct patterns, hence delivering intense illumination which will help distinguish the wearer from background lights. Just in case there an emergency situation, there is a bright red strobe setting which can be activated to attract the attention of those nearby.

A patent-pending automatic brake light feature is also part of the deal, where the built-in accelerometer will be able to alert others when the wearer stops as it automatically causes the LEDs to switch to a strobing bright red pattern. Whenever you start to move again, the LEDs will return to normal illumination.

Press Release
[ LumaGlo’s CrossBelt is a wearable illumination device copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Can We Hide From Plague, Flu, and the Spectre of Death?

Welcome back to Dose of Reality, where we see whether the week’s health news is really worth worrying—or celebrating—about. Today we’re facing down death and disease, and the news is actually mostly good!


Photo: Great southern white butterfly sports turquoise tips

Who's got the prettiest little antennal clubs around?

Verizon Wireless disconnects some heavy data users in rural areas

Verizon sheds customers who roam on rural networks and use tons of data.

Goddammit, They're Making Another Chucky Movie


data-redactor-tag="em" data-verified="redactor">Cult of Chucky takes place in an asylum.

9 'Star Wars' Plot Holes, Explained


Even the biggest fans may have missed these.class="redactor-invisible-space">class="redactor-invisible-space" data-verified="redactor" data-redactor-tag="span" data-redactor-class="redactor-invisible-space">

Sessions Dismantles Obama Legacy at Justice Department (Audio)

(Bloomberg) -- Tom Schoenberg, a legal reporter for Bloomberg News, discusses how attorney general Jeff Sessions has begun dismantling President Obama's legacy at the U.S. Justice Department. He speaks with Greg Stohr and June Grasso on Bloomberg Radio's "Bloomberg Law."

IRS Opens Probe Into Drugmaker-Funded Charity (Audio)

(Bloomberg) -- Robert Langreth, a reporter for Bloomberg News, discusses a new IRS probe into the tax-exempt status of a charity funded by pharmaceutical companies, which threatens a pipeline allowing pharmaceutical companies to help patients pay for expensive drugs. He speaks with Greg Stohr and June Grasso on Bloomberg Radio's "Bloomberg Law."

8 Fallout 4 Easter Eggs and References You Should Go Find

Have you found these eight Fallout 4 Easter eggs and references yet?

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Trump vs Trudeau: Canada lures Silicon Valley with promise of skilled labour, funding and diversity

By Natalie Wong

Silicon Valley startups are tapping into Toronto’s tech talent.

Okta Inc., which JPMorgan Chase & Co. calls one of the fastest growing public software firms, opened a 60-seat office this month on trendy King Street West. Lured by a deepening pool of engineers in a city routinely ranked among the world’s most innovative, the company is following peers such as Uber Technologies and Amazon.com across the border.

Okta chose Canada’s biggest city because it’s home to the University of Toronto and is near the University of Waterloo, which are “educational sector leaders in developing future tech leaders,” said Armen Vartanian, vice president of global workplace services. “With respect to the talent supply that’s there, this is effectively a no-brainer for us.”

A big draw for start-ups is a jump in potential graduates as U.S. President Donald Trump’s policies divert foreign students to Canada. Sensing an opportunity to wean his economy away from a reliance on commodities, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is offering fast-track visas to high-skilled workers and increasing funding for innovation.

Trudeau’s administration clarified on June 12 that only firms growing 10 per cent to 20 per cent can avail of a new program that brings high-skilled foreign workers into the country in as little as two weeks, effectively ringfencing the approvals for the tech sector.

He has also extended a popular venture capital financing program started by the previous government and added another $950 million to spread around tech hubs in Canada. He gave $125 million specifically to support the country’s budding artificial intelligence research programs.

“The tech innovation ecosystem in Toronto has just been blowing up,” said Bilal Khan, founding managing director of OneEleven, a startup accelerator backed by OMERS and Royal Bank of Canada, that’s played home to successful Canadian tech companies including Wealthsimple and Big Viking Games. “This is a government that gets it, that’s willing to invest both time and support to build out the ecosystem.”

Meanwhile American applications to Canadian tech companies are increasing following the election of Trump. Shopify Inc. reported a 40 per cent increase in the first quarter of 2017 over all of 2016, and Zoom.ai Inc. saw a 31 per cent rise from nearly zero for engineering roles, Karen Greve Young, vice president of partnerships at MaRS Discovery District, another Toronto tech incubator, told Bloomberg TV Canada.

Uber last month hired University of Toronto Associate Professor Raquel Urtasun to lead its first non-U.S. branch of the Advanced Technologies Group at the MaRS Discovery District. In a blog post, Travis Kalanick, former CEO and co-founder, said “Toronto has emerged as an important hub of artificial intelligence research, which is critical to the future of transportation.”

Shares of San Francisco-based Okta, the US$2.2 billion company that helps companies secure their internal communications, rose more than 38 per cent when they debuted this April and are trading 37 per cent above their offer price.

Back in the city’s schools, students cite career prospects and diversity as an important plus for Toronto. That’s especially true “at a time when there is political turmoil in other parts of the world,” Daksh Sikri, an Indian-born recent engineering graduate from the University of Toronto, told the campus newspaper.

Rival University of Waterloo is overseeing a $88 million building project to accommodate 1,200 more engineering students. Some C$33 million of this was funded by the federal government, said Pearl Sullivan, Waterloo’s dean of engineering.

Talented job applicants are receiving multiple offers from competing companies, a precursor to increased salaries, according to OneEleven’s Khan. Meanwhile employers applied for about 16 percent fewer U.S. H-1B visas for highly skilled workers this year than in 2016, possibly reflecting concern that the Trump administration is taking a more restrictive approach to the program.

“Words matter,” Khan said, referring to Trump’s protectionist rhetoric and growing sentiment that the U.S. is closing to immigrants. “It’s incredible because at that exact moment, Canada threw its doors wide open.”

Bloomberg News

Q4 lays off 13 people at its Toronto office

Q4 has laid off 13 people at its Toronto office, BetaKit has learned.

In a statement to BetaKit, CEO Darrell Heaps confirmed the layoffs, but added that its global workforce remains at 175 people across all of its offices (Q4’s main offices are in Toronto, New York, and London). BetaKit has also reached out about reports that the company has also laid off most of its Denmark office.

“Over the last couple of years we have grown quickly, acquired three companies, and will soon surpass 1,000 global clients,” Heaps said. He says that as the business evolved and expanded into Europe, the company, which provides a communications platform for investment relations, had to think about changing its client engagement model.

“We heavily invested in our products, machine learning, and market intelligence, which have driven our growth, but have also changed the scope of solutions that we provide our clients,” said Heaps. “As our business evolved, it became clear that we needed to analyze and realign our talent globally to execute on this new client engagement model. This change is core to our strategy and ensures a steady and profitable growth path for the future.”

Q4 raised a $22 million Series B in May 2016, with the goal of expanding its sales and marketing teams — and applying machine learning to its platform.

Recently published anonymous Glassdoor reviews speak to issues with management and a need for transparency within the company.

Celebrate July 4th With the Best Modern Protest Songs For America


Get woke while you're grilling.

Ann Dowd Hopes We Find Out More About Aunt Lydia in Handmaid's Tale Season Two


She remains a fan favorite, despite playing one of the most fearsome television characters of 2017.class="redactor-invisible-space">

Delivery Hero jumps on debut in boost for tech IPOs

Shares for the food delivery group rose as much as 9 per cent on their Frankfurt debut

Made in America: 7 Brands to Wear this Fourth of July

 Allen Edmonds
Photograph by Allen Edmonds

​These are the brands you need this holiday weekend

America is the birthplace of many fantastic and life-changing inventions. The electric lightbulb, the microwave oven, Crayola crayons, and Post-It notes were all developed by American inventors and craftsmen. For generations, this “can do” attitude was the prevailing feeling throughout the country. Although many companies today have chosen to outsource their labor, the days of American craftsmanship are hardly over; they just might be fewer and far between. We know what you might be thinking—if you can buy the same thing from a foreign manufacturer for less, why would you buy American?

We are here to tell you that there are, in fact, a multitude of reasons why you should buy American. Buying American helps save or create jobs in the United States. It also can help lower our carbon footprint; products that are made overseas have to be shipped across the ocean before making their way to American stores. With every mile these products travel, fossil fuels are burned and greenhouse gases are spewed. Beyond that, craftsmanship has long been a hallmark of our country.

The next time you’re looking to increase your wardrobe, consider buying one of these 7 brands. These brands manufacture their clothing, shoes, and accessories in the United States and use only the highest end materials to create their goods; premium leather, buttery nubuck, pillowy cotton, and crisp linen all sourced from local farms and tanneries. We promise, they're worth the money.

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Red Wing Heritage

Founded by Charles Beckman in 1905, Red Wing shoes are crafted of premium leather from their very own S.B. Foot Tanning Company. They’ve been in operation for over 100 years, and their shoemaking process has largely stayed the same since their inception. The Iron Ranger ($319.99) is one of their bestsellers, as it’s constructed of their famous Oil-Tanned leather. It’s the perfect choice for any outdoor hikes you might have planned over the long weekend.

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Allen Edmonds

Allen Edmonds has been making their world-renowned shoes in America since 1922. Even today, they continue to follow the same 212-step manufacturing process that was invented nearly a century ago. They boast over 100 sizes and widths, and offer a handy reconstructing process to help refurbish old shoes. Their Montauk Plain-Toe Chukka Boot ($295) is remarkably light and can be worn pretty much anywhere.

Related Video:

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Nothing is more American than a pair of Levi’s jeans—we’re serious. Levi Strauss teamed up with a guy by the name of Jacob Davis, a tailor from Reno, in order to produce work wear made of cotton duck and true blue denim. Thus, the blue jean was born. Try the 511 Slim Fit Selvedge Jeans for a taste of their classic raw denim. It’s 100% cotton and the modern, slim fit will look good on any body type.

Credit Link: 

New England Shirt Co.

Based out of Massachusetts’s historic Flint Mills, the New England Shirt Co. has been producing handcrafted men’s and women’s dress shirts since 1933. Even under the weight of foreign competition, they have remained in operation for over 80 years. Their attention to detail and traditional construction have undoubtedly kept customers coming back year after year. Try their classic white seersucker shirt ($168) for a look that can be dressed up or down.

Credit Link: 


Shinola products are made to last, which is why we’re obsessed with everything they make. From handcrafted leather watches to hand assembled bicycles, everything is thoughtfully crafted in Detroit . Each of their partners—from Waterford Precision Cycles to Horween Leather—has a legacy of creating products with the same thoughtful vision. Pair their Runwell Sport Chrono 48MM ($875) watch with a crisp button-down and head to the beach for a fireworks show.

Credit Link: 

Public School

This New York City based label has been abuzz since the label’s inception in 2008. Their head designers, Dao-Yi Chow and Maxwell Osborne, boast a monochromatic palette of whites, blacks, and greys that always look effortlessly cool. We love their Foss T-Shirt ($154) for it’s touchably soft fabric and raw patch pocket for added visual interest. Wear this to the beach or at the bar with friends.

Credit Link: 

Duluth Trading

Started in 1989 by two brothers, Duluth Trading was born out of the desire to create products for the working man. They manufacture everything from shirts and pants to gloves and belts. Bonus: all of their products are field tested in order to ensure complete customer satisfaction. Throw on their Tooled Amber Waves of Grain Belt ($39.50) for a classic take on a leather belt. 

They Took The Same Photo For 35 Years, And It's An Awesome Ode To Friendship

How Fake News Breaks Your Brain

Short attention spans and a deluge of rapid-fire articles on social media form a recipe for fake news epidemics

Shaping Smarter Cities

Mouser and Grant Imahara team up with the creative minds at WIRED Brand Lab to take a look at the modern city

Chip Hall of Fame: Mostek MK4096 4-Kilobit DRAM

The basic architecture of this memory chip is still used whenever more than a small amount of RAM is needed

Chip Hall of Fame: Transmeta Corp. Crusoe Processor

Ahead of its time, this chip heralded the mobile era when energy use, not processing power, would become the most important spec

Chip Hall of Fame: Texas Instruments TMC0281 Speech Synthesizer

The world’s first speech synthesizer on chip—and accidental supporting star of E.T.

Chip Hall of Fame: Intersil ICL8038 Waveform Generator

Intersil’s somewhat cranky chip brought complex sound generation to consumer electronics

Chip Hall of Fame: Micronas Semiconductor MAS3507 MP3 Decoder

This chip began the digital music revolution

Chip Hall of Fame: Texas Instruments TMS9900

An ambitious failure, this processor powered the first 16-bit home computer

Chip Hall of Fame: Sun Microsystems SPARC Processor

Using an unproven new architecture, this processor put Sun Microsystems on the map

Chip Hall of Fame: Western Digital WD1402A UART

Freeing processors from doing the grunt work of communications accelerated the connected world

Weekend Guide: Make the Most Out of Your Fourth of July

weekend guide 4th of july
Photograph by Getty Images

Avoid a party foul this weekend with these tips

Summer is here! Time to bust out the sunglasses emoji and duck out of work early on Fridays (if that’s allowed). To celebrate, every Friday this summer we’re bringing you a digest to get you ready for the weekend. Want to know how to stay stylish, fit, and fueled? We’ve got you covered. The weekend is here; let us be your guide.

Upgrade Your Pushup

Up the ante on your workout this weekend by trying this variation on the standard pushup. The single-leg inchworm scorpion pushup (yes, it's a mouthful) is a move that targets the entire body in one go. Begin by standing on one leg and inchworm your way out to a single-leg plank position. From there, do a single-leg pushup. As you lower your body to the ground, bend your free leg and kick back to straight as you raise your body back to a plank. Inchworm your way back to standing, then reverse on the opposite leg.

Choose the Right Suit

If you have yet to replace last year's worn out swim trunks, the time is now. With a long holiday weekend, there's a good chance you'll spend at least a few hours in a swimsuit. We've rounded up 14 bathing suits that will help you look good and feel even better at the beach or pool. Not sure which swimsuit length is right for you? We put together a handy guide to help you decipher the best way to wear board shorts and speedos—and everything in between.

Lather Up

This weekend is all about the red, white, and blue, but you don't want to put the "red" in there by frying your skin. Before you hit the pool or beach, do yourself a favor and slap on some SPF. Follow these six steps when applying sunscreen and enjoy your time off worry-free. And check out these five mineral sunscreens that will keep you protected without the harsh chemicals found in other formulas.

Snack Smarter

A Fourth of July BBQ is the last place you want to be concerned with making a conscious effort to eat smart. But taking a few seconds to swap your condiment or dip can help you stay on track with minimal effort.

Planning to nosh on pretzels over the long weekend? According to Men's Health food and nutrition editor Paul Kita, "sweet mustard tends to house a fair amount of sugar and not much else nutrition-wise." Instead, pair the crunchy snack with hummus, which has "protein, good fats, and plenty of flavor—without the need for sweet stuff."

Chip Hall of Fame: STMicroelectronics STA2056 GPS Receiver

Inexpensive and small, this GPS receiver turbocharged the market for integrated navigation in mobile devices

Chip Hall of Fame: Xilinx XC2064 FPGA

Hardware that can transform itself on command has proven incredibly useful

Chip Hall of Fame: MOS Technology 6502 Microprocessor

From the heroic age of 8-bit CPUs, this processor powered the Apple II, Commodore 64, BBC Micro, and more

Chip Hall of Fame: Texas Instruments TMS32010 Digital Signal Processor

This chip put digital signal processors—specialists in handling the messy world outside the computer—on the map

Chip Hall of Fame: Toshiba NAND Flash Memory

Once, all bulk data storage was magnetic. Then along came flash

The Surprising Trigger That Makes You Buy Cleaning Products

You can thank sweet psychology.

A drought in the Dakotas spells trouble for the U. S. wheat harvest

Farmers in the Upper Midwest got a big dose of bad news Thursday: The extent of the region’s ongoing “extreme” drought has more than tripled in the past week.

Temperatures are expected to reach as high as 107 degrees next week in parts of the Dakotas, more than 20 degrees above normal. In large swaths of the Dakotas and eastern Montana, spring rains have been less than half of normal. On Monday, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum declared a statewide fire and drought emergency.

In the longer term, the region’s wheat harvest is in serious jeopardy — and that may have global implications. This year’s American wheat crop is currently rated the worst in 29 years. Wheat is humanity’s most important grain food source, and the U.S. is the world’s largest wheat exporter, with the Dakotas and Montana now its most important wheat-growing region. Wheat prices recently went up more than 10 percent in response to the worsening drought.

For decades, Kansas was America’s wheat state. That title recently shifted to North Dakota, as better growing conditions moved north due to warming temperatures. At this rate, Canadian farmers should be put on notice.

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline A drought in the Dakotas spells trouble for the U.S. wheat harvest. on Jun 30, 2017.

Porn Insiders Reveal What It's Like to Work In the Industry

porn industry insiders
Photograph by Getty Images

These behind-the-scenes confessions may surprise you

Ever wonder what is going on behind the scenes in the world of porn? After all, it's not all completely unrealistic sex scenes and, well, sex in general. There are people operating the camera and people editing photos and videos and making the business successful. Buzzfeed asked employees behind the lens what it's actually like, and what they had to say will surprise you. (You may also be surprised by what porn she is actually watching.)

Buzzfeed talked to the people at ManyVids, and if you didn't know these guys worked in pornography, their answers would have you believe they worked at any old business. With a couple of exceptions, of course.

First of all, the employees really had nothing but good things to say about management, with one saying that they expected "seedy" characters and were surprised by what they found.

"The professionalism is very high, with top talent and excellent management," one worker said. "The owners at ManyVids are extremely respectful and nice people. I just did not expect that at all."

As a content-curating site, there are, of course the legal run-ins that support agents have to occasionally deal with. But since it's the porn industry, issues such as these can be a little, ahem, unique. "I once had to complete a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request, but there were no faces involved in the video," one support agent told Buzzfeed. "So instead, I had to ID the guy based on his penis (skin colour, shape, etc). I've never taken such a serious look at a penis other than mine."

Then, of course, there are special features that ManyVids offer that someone behind the scenes is actually having to deal with. For example, ManyVids allows users to pay for custom videos. As you can imagine, things can get pretty weird for customer service representatives.

"Let’s just say a LOT of interesting stuff happens, particularly with Easy Cheese for some reason," was all one customer service rep had to say.

Besides all the penises and Easy Cheese, it doesn't seem like there is a colossal difference between working for a porn site and any other job. Photo editors still edit photos—they just spend a lot more time focused on anuses.

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Public health experts blame Ontario government for gap in food insecurity data

The province’s decision to halt collection for a survey for 2015 and 2016 will impact program planning for the region’s most vulnerable families, critics say

Would You Freeze or Burn Your Love Handles Off?

love handles
Photograph by Getty Images

We compare two interesting options: CoolSculpting and SculpSure

Ask a guy at the gym what he likes least about his body, and don't be surprised when he says "love handles." These pockets of fat are famously stubborn. You might feel like you're in the best shape of your life and still not be able to shake those little bits of chub on either side of your waistline.

"With guys the most popular area of concern is love handles," says Dr. Marina Peredo, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of NYC's Skinfluence, "because you can work out and not get rid of them."

For years, the cosmetic answer was liposuction. Vacuuming your fat out through a needle was a sure way to get rid of it—and quickly. But if just reading that made you clench your teeth, then you'll need another option. The past 10 years have seen the rise of non-invasive treatments, meaning ones that don't involve surgery. These use either cold or heat to kill fat cells in problem areas, and take about as long as you'd need for a relaxed lunch. So, if you're ready to crush your love handles once and for all, do you freeze the fat or cook it? Here's what the doctors say.

Coolsculpting: Freezing the Fat

"There are different ways to destroy fat," says Peredo. "You can heat it, or you can freeze it. Freezing is the most natural."

During CoolSculpting, your love handle will be placed into a suction applicator, which delivers targeted cold temperatures. The idea is that the fat cells are damaged by the cold, they rupture, and your body gradually absorbs them.

Treatment takes about an hour per area, and patients report discomfort from the cold. Afterward, some complain about intense pain, or uneven areas where the freezing took place. Others say they were able to get on with whatever they normally do with next to no downtime.

As with all cosmetic procedures, costs depend on how much treatment you get, as well as where you live. A typical average for CoolSculpting is around $2000, but can range up to $4000.

On the upside, if your love handles are small, a single treatment may be enough. "CoolSculpting is still the gold standard in the industry because the results are very predictable," says Peredo. " For people who don’t have huge love handles, sometimes one treatment is enough, and once it’s done that area never comes back."

Laser Treatment: Feel the Burn

What’s giving CoolSculpting a run for it’s money? Heat treatment with a laser. Known as SculpSure, this treatment has garnered a lot of interest since its FDA approval a few years back, and claims to beat CoolSculpting in terms of effectiveness and speed.

The difference here is temperature. With SculpSure, very high temperatures cook the fat cells, which are then similarly processed away by the body.

"We're seeing a lot of guys who are actually super fit coming in to have a little fat removed with the laser," says Dr. Hooman Khorasani, Chief of Dermatologic and Cosmetic Surgery at Mount Sinai's Icahn School of Medicine in NYC. "It has plates the size of an iPhone 4 that cool the skin, then the beam penetrates about an inch, heating up the cells."

The practical difference here is time. Where CoolSculpting takes an hour per treatment site, SculpSure takes about 25 minutes—so you can do both love handles on one lunch break. Cost is also lower, around $1500 average.

The treatment itself can be uncomfortable. Patients say the heat produces a cramping sensation, which is broken up by cooling cycles. Afterward, treated areas can be red and tender to the touch, and some patients report areas of firm tissue—which can also happen with CoolSculpting. With both procedures, the level of pain experienced during recovery depends on how your body reacts.

As for results? Both procedures require patience. "The negative with all these non-invasive treatments is that the results are slower to show," says Peredo. That can mean up to 12 weeks, and even then, you're looking for a subtle recontouring of your waist, not dramatic weight loss.

"It's not like we're putting people on the covers of magazines and giving them six packs," says Peredo. "But areas that bulge—especially love handles for men—can go away."

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The Real Ukrainian Solution Is Federalism

Nicolai N. Petro

Why is the mere discussion of federalism often equated with treason?

The post The Real Ukrainian Solution Is Federalism appeared first on The Nation.

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The Ultimate Gym Bro Dom Mazzetti Is Going to Hollywood In an All-New Comedy Series

dom mazetti the rock
Photograph by youtube/the rock

​And you can watch the first episode here

You may have seen gym bro parody Dom Mazzetti on YouTube before. Mazzetti, whose real name is Mike Tornabene, runs the BroScienceLife channel, which currently boasts nearly 2 million subscribers. Since 2011, Mazzetti has been treating his viewers to life as told by a gym bro, weighing in on everything from internships to terrorism to Four Loko.

(Want to make massive gainz like a true gym bro? This calorie-packed burrito shake is your one-way ticket to swole.)

However, we all have to grow up one day, but for Mazzetti that doesn't necessarily mean he's ready to start maturing. Rather, he's treating himself to a change in scenery, and heading out to Hollywood for an all-new comedy series created in conjunction with The Rock's Seven Bucks Production company and Studio71.

As you can see in the first episode above, Mazzetti's L.A. journey finds him at the center of a desperate play to save his gym, the Church of Iron. Watch it above and then stay tuned for the next episode to see what's in store for the Sultan of Swole.

(And get more shredded like Mazzetti in just three weeks. The Men's Health21-Day Metashred program will transform your body starting today.)

Smokestack America is back!

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What Do You Really Want To Know About Working In Porn?

What do you really want to know?

Anybody that watches porn has probably wondered what it's like to be a porn star. Is it like we'd expect, or would the answers be really surprising?

Anybody that watches porn has probably wondered what it's like to be a porn star. Is it like we'd expect, or would the answers be really surprising?


Well, now's your chance to ask porn stars some questions! Tell us what you really want to know and we'll ask some porn stars for their honest answers!

Well, now's your chance to ask porn stars some questions! Tell us what you really want to know and we'll ask some porn stars for their honest answers!


Do you want to know how long it takes to shoot a porno?

Do you want to know how long it takes to shoot a porno?


Or maybe you're intrigued by how much a porn star gets paid for a typical scene.

Or maybe you're intrigued by how much a porn star gets paid for a typical scene.

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