среда, 19 июля 2017 г.

In which I make my way around the City searching for sophisticated yet sober cocktails.

I might be pregnant, I might be an alcoholic, I might have a medical condition, I might not like the taste of alcohol, I might be training for a marathon, I might be taking antibiotics, I might need a clear head tomorrow morning, I might be driving or I might have another good reason to not be drinking tonight. If I am treating myself to a night out, but I choose to avoid alcohol, it doesn't mean I want to avoid indulging in an interesting well-crafted drink, the likes of which I wouldn't usually serve up at home. To the contrary, I love to be surprised. And I have started a search for the most sympathetic bartenders and the best non-alcoholic drinks in all of San Francisco...

The Alembic:
725 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117 (415) 666-0822
Visit: July 2009
Menu: No non-alcholic cocktails or drinks listed.
Bartender's reaction: Unsympathetic and unenthusiastic. Needed to be cojoled.
Drink: Initial disinterest eventually resulted in an absolutely fantastic mystery mocktail topped with a little baby cilantro. So delicious, I had a second.
Price: $3 at the bar, $4 at the dinner table, as far as we recall (thanks Fatemeh).

Local Resources
My previous Alembic visit couldn't have been more different.

2008picture photograph Thomas keller recipe for Confit Biyaldi the ratatouille recipe used in the movie by Pixar 2007 copyright of sam breach http://becksposhnosh.blogspot.com/ 2006picture photograph Summer Pudding 2006 copyright of sam breach http://becksposhnosh.blogspot.com/

© 2009 Sam Breach

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