четверг, 6 июля 2017 г.

'Married at First Sight' Recap: One Husband Announces That He and His Wife Still Haven't Had Sex

Sometimes you have to take a step back… and realize no one cares if you’re good at a college drinking game. The June 6 episode of Married at First Sight opened with Ashley and Anthony arguing over the fact that she refused to play “the bag game.” ICYMI, that’s a version of a popular pastime for co-eds that involves throwing small bags through holes in a wooden board while guzzling beer. Ashley was worried because she hadn’t played in a long time and didn’t want to embarrass herself. Anthony was confused about why this would be an issue at all.

Ultimately, Anthony convinced Ashley to give it a shot. (For the record, they were playing without the booze.) “She’s doing it more and more, something that she might not normally do, which is something that I really want in a wife,” he commented in a voiceover. He was clearly touched by her willingness to try and couldn’t stop showering her with kisses. In other words, everybody won. 

Later, they had her parents over for dinner and Ashley gushed that she couldn’t have imagined being married would be this great. “I think that I got even better than the best,” she beamed. While Anthony was still worried about being hurt, he, too, seemed to be settling into couple hood rather nicely.

Cody and Danielle Go Plant Shopping

After their romantic dinner, Cody had gotten quiet and Danielle had no idea what was wrong. Finally, he confessed that he was upset because his grandmother wasn’t doing well. She was in hospice and it was really taking a toll on the whole family. “It’s just sad,” he said. Danielle assured Cody that she was there for him and asked if there was anything she could do to make his life a little easier.

They ended up going plant shopping for a gift for his grandmother. While their physical intimacy was still basically nonexistent, their friendship seemed to be blossoming. It was looking promising … until they went on a double date with her friend and his brother.

Double Date From Hell

As a refresh, one of Danielle’s friends met Cody’s brother at Danielle and Cody’s wedding — and had been an item ever since. “I’m happy for Charlie,” Cody said. “But it’s frustrating.” He said that seeing his brother snuggling up to Danielle’s friend reminded him how slowly they were moving in the sex department.

As the date wore on, Danielle got increasingly stressed out and unhappy. Cody’s brother asked what the roadblocks were to their intimacy (which seemed like a not super appropriate question, but whatever). “It’s hard for me, but I’m being patient and hoping that she comes around,” Cody said as Danielle looked at him with borderline disgust. To the camera, she noted that Cody constantly talking about how they weren’t having sex didn’t make her feel like having sex.

Sheila Grills Nate

Apparently, after walking off-set the day before, Sheila had calmed down and resolved the issues she was having with Nate — all off-camera. Off-camera was a big thing for Sheila, who had discovered that she did not like airing her dirty laundry on TV. How they resolved their argument, viewers will never know, but resolve it they did and then they went to the gym.

After a brief workout, Sheila decided it was a good time to start grilling Nate about the fast-approaching decision day. She started by asking if he was “looking forward” to it, noting that she was personally looking forward to getting back to “real life” away from the TV crew. Sheila then asked what the biggest challenge was for him in the process so far. He carefully chose his words and said, “Having patience.” 

Sheila then asked if the experience had changed Nate. It was a loaded question, to be sure, and he said that it forced him to step up to the plate or strike out. Weirdly, she then offered up that she felt she had found the love of her life — but Nate didn’t seem so sure.

The Couples Meet

At long last, it was time for the three couples to meet each other, with the idea that they could help support each other through the challenges unique to marrying a stranger. It didn’t take long for everyone to open up. Nate admitted that he and Sheila had endured a few wild fights, and Ashley confessed that she didn’t think Anthony wanted to have children as soon as she did.

Watching the other men, Danielle was frustrated to see how assertive they were in comparison to Cody and even admitted she longed to have passionate fights with Cody — because that would mean they had some passion. Around that moment, Cody announced, “For us, I think the biggest problem is we still haven’t had sex yet.” 

 The look on Nate’s face was beyond priceless and could best be described as pure horror. Danielle face looked that way too. “At this point, I’m not sure there’s going to be anything after decision day,” she said to the camera, beyond annoyed.

The guys peeled off to bond, and Cody continued to gripe about his lack of sex. “Not having sex delays everything else,” he said. Back with the girls, Danielle didn’t have much to add, but she was not pleased.

Tell Us: Do you think there’s any hope for Danielle and Cody?

This article originally appeared on www.usmagazine.com: 'Married at First Sight' Recap: One Husband Announces That He and His Wife Still Haven't Had Sex

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