пятница, 7 июля 2017 г.

Just One Day To Pat A Micropig At This Paddington Pop-Up

At Londonist we can be as sceptical as the next jaded urbanite. We've seen cat cafés, seen city farms, seen a goat race or two. Seen plenty of urban foxes.

But this is something new. And we're only partly saying that because micropigs are so damn lovely...

Studies have shown having animals in the workplace can improve productivity and reduce stress. And the people at Tiny Tails are setting out to prove it with a fleeting, one-afternoon-only pop-up for people who work near Merchant Square in Paddington. Or can hotfoot it down there on a lunch break.  

On Thursday 27 July, from 12 to 2pm, Tiny Tails are bringing micropigs and rabbits to Merchant Square.

Hang out with the animals on the lawn, pat a micropig and imagine you're somewhere far, far away.

The animals will be carried off at 2pm, when they close up shop. But the Floating Park's Botanical Bar will still be there with its menu of gin cocktails, to console you through the parting.

Tiny pigs and standard-sized rabbits. Washed down with gin, on a floating park.

London, we salute you.  

Tiny Tails, 12pm - 2pm on Thursday 27 July, Merchant Square, W2 1AZ.

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