воскресенье, 9 июля 2017 г.

Sweet, Simple, Fresh and Bright

picture photograph image strawberries - wholewheat sables - strained yogurt 2008 copyright of sam breach http://becksposhnosh.blogspot.com/

At this time of year, for pot lucks, BBQs and other gatherings where you might want to serve up something sweet to a large number of people, I can't recommend this combination enough. I've served this trio of fresh fruit, top-notch dairy and nibbly, buttery cookies to different crowds on more than one occasion and, to date, it's always been met with enthusiasm raptures of delight*.

-Strawberries from Swanton & Dirty Girl: Hulled, sliced and sprinkled with a little sugar to draw out their juices and make them glisten.
-A quart of St Benoit's delicious plain Yoghurt, strained for several hours, to thicken.
-A Syrup made by briefly simmering a little water, sugar and a few damaged strawberries together with six Rose Geranium leaves (from Eatwell Farm) before straining, ready to dribble over both the yogurt and strawberries.
-Wholewheat cocoa-nib sables made with crunchy, nutty home-ground wheat flour (wheatberries also from Eatwell Farm) and local Straus organic butter from a recipe in Pure Desserts by Alice Medrich. [One of my very favourite recipe books from the last year.]

(*for proof, see Anood's comment, thanks Anood)

2007 | Steak House Sublime
2005 | The Pump Rooms - Bath - England

© 2009 Sam Breach

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