пятница, 7 июля 2017 г.

The bonkers box boasts of classic Codemasters covers

For over a year now, I've been trying to collect every Codemasters game released for the ZX Spectrum. It's a bit of a weird hobby, yes, but it's something I attempted as a youngster and now, with a bit more disposable cash to play with, I thought it was about time that I finally completed my mission.

There are multiple reasons I wanted to collect all the Codemasters games back in the day, but the main one was Dizzy. As a massive fan of the happy little egg I became loyal to the Codies brand. So loyal in fact that I refused to spend my pocket money on games from other publishers.

It wasn't just Dizzy that gave me the collecting bug. I also loved the uniform box art given to all Codies games. The big yellow flashes that surrounded the text, the colourful front covers and the in-game screen shots on the back made the games feel unique and exciting. Most of all though, I liked the four digit product codes found on the spine of the covers. I used to order the games (and still do) according to those numbers, and I wanted nothing more than to display the full set, in numerical order, on my shelves.

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