среда, 19 июля 2017 г.

Then New Tree "Alpha" - I recommend you try it!
picture photograph image New Tree Alpha Chocolate 2009 copyright of sam breach http://becksposhnosh.blogspot.com/
If there is one thing I am loathe to give up when I am dieting, it is chocolate and I've found that a little piece of dark chocolate every day satisfies any cravings. Recently, at Rainbow Grocery, I discovered range of Newtree's 'Alpha' range of chocolate discs that come in three flavours: Noir, Thym and Piment.

These small, but extremely satisfying 23 gram bars contain crisped rice and golden roasted flax seeds not only give each bite a pleasing nibbly effect and crunch, they provide 15% of the recommended daily amount of Omega 3 too. I don't pay any attention to the Omega 3's in my diet as a rule, but since Newtree's got it, I am not going to knock it.

For those who are calorie counting or 'Weightwatching', these small treats contain only 110 calories, or just 2 Weightwatcher points; very modest numbers in the world of chocolate eating.

I do have a certain amount of willpower, but perhaps not quite enough to stop myself sneaking 'just another square' once a larger bar has been unwrapped. That's why these tiny little 'Alpha' bars, help me overcome the issue of overindulging, by providing just enough chocolate to keep me happy, all in one small, handy package.

With its spicy kick, the 'Piment' is my favourite of the three flavours offered with the plain 'Noir' a close second. I would describe the 'Thym' as 'interesting' and although I don't dislike it, it does trail behind the other two in the desirability stakes.

And as for chocolate on a diet - you might be wondering - does it work? Well, I've lost over 20 pounds in just 14 weeks, so I'll let you be the judge of that...

2008 | Free Water for Life courtesy of Boccalone Salumeria
2006 | Lemony Yogurt
2005 | 2003 Vintage Coonawarra Majella Sparkling Shiraz
2004 | Restaurant Pizza "La Gioconda", Paris

© 2009 Sam Breach

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