среда, 19 июля 2017 г.

To a lady on the Australian Coast

picture photograph image ALT 2009 copyright of sam breach http://becksposhnosh.blogspot.com/

Today, in an event organised by Jennifer, I am honouring my friend, Barbara, of Winos and Foodies. Barbara recently completed a gruelling 6 months of Chemotherapy and so today several of Barbara's friends around the globe, including Bron who invited me to take part, are celebrating the end of her treatment by raising a glass of bubbles, to her. Until a few months ago Champagne was my favourite drink, but as Barbara knows, I have chosen to cut back on the alcohol recently, so instead I raised a glass of Sparkling water sweetened with a floral Elderflower Syrup that I picked up locally at Rainbow Grocery.

Cheers, Barbara, love from San Francisco, as always...

© 2009 Sam Breach

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